CWE-1396: Comprehensive Categorization: Access Control

ID CWE-1396
Status Incomplete
Weaknesses in this category are related to access control.


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# ID Name # ID Name Abstraction Structure Status
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-9 J2EE Misconfiguration: Weak Access Permissions for EJB Methods Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-13 ASP.NET Misconfiguration: Password in Configuration File Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-202 Exposure of Sensitive Information Through Data Queries Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-256 Plaintext Storage of a Password Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-257 Storing Passwords in a Recoverable Format Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-258 Empty Password in Configuration File Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-259 Use of Hard-coded Password Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-260 Password in Configuration File Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-261 Weak Encoding for Password Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-262 Not Using Password Aging Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-263 Password Aging with Long Expiration Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-266 Incorrect Privilege Assignment Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-267 Privilege Defined With Unsafe Actions Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-268 Privilege Chaining Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-269 Improper Privilege Management Class Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-270 Privilege Context Switching Error Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-271 Privilege Dropping / Lowering Errors Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-272 Least Privilege Violation Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-273 Improper Check for Dropped Privileges Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-274 Improper Handling of Insufficient Privileges Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-276 Incorrect Default Permissions Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-277 Insecure Inherited Permissions Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-278 Insecure Preserved Inherited Permissions Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-279 Incorrect Execution-Assigned Permissions Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-280 Improper Handling of Insufficient Permissions or Privileges Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-281 Improper Preservation of Permissions Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-282 Improper Ownership Management Class Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-283 Unverified Ownership Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-284 Improper Access Control Pillar Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-285 Improper Authorization Class Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-286 Incorrect User Management Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-287 Improper Authentication Class Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-288 Authentication Bypass Using an Alternate Path or Channel Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-289 Authentication Bypass by Alternate Name Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-290 Authentication Bypass by Spoofing Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-291 Reliance on IP Address for Authentication Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-293 Using Referer Field for Authentication Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-294 Authentication Bypass by Capture-replay Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-295 Improper Certificate Validation Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-296 Improper Following of a Certificate's Chain of Trust Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-297 Improper Validation of Certificate with Host Mismatch Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-298 Improper Validation of Certificate Expiration Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-299 Improper Check for Certificate Revocation Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-300 Channel Accessible by Non-Endpoint Class Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-301 Reflection Attack in an Authentication Protocol Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-302 Authentication Bypass by Assumed-Immutable Data Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-303 Incorrect Implementation of Authentication Algorithm Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-304 Missing Critical Step in Authentication Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-305 Authentication Bypass by Primary Weakness Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-306 Missing Authentication for Critical Function Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-307 Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-308 Use of Single-factor Authentication Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-309 Use of Password System for Primary Authentication Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-321 Use of Hard-coded Cryptographic Key Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-322 Key Exchange without Entity Authentication Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-350 Reliance on Reverse DNS Resolution for a Security-Critical Action Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-370 Missing Check for Certificate Revocation after Initial Check Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-384 Session Fixation Compound Composite Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-419 Unprotected Primary Channel Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-420 Unprotected Alternate Channel Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-421 Race Condition During Access to Alternate Channel Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-422 Unprotected Windows Messaging Channel ('Shatter') Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-425 Direct Request ('Forced Browsing') Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-441 Unintended Proxy or Intermediary ('Confused Deputy') Class Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-520 .NET Misconfiguration: Use of Impersonation Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-521 Weak Password Requirements Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-522 Insufficiently Protected Credentials Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-523 Unprotected Transport of Credentials Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-549 Missing Password Field Masking Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-551 Incorrect Behavior Order: Authorization Before Parsing and Canonicalization Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-555 J2EE Misconfiguration: Plaintext Password in Configuration File Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-556 ASP.NET Misconfiguration: Use of Identity Impersonation Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-566 Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled SQL Primary Key Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-593 Authentication Bypass: OpenSSL CTX Object Modified after SSL Objects are Created Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-599 Missing Validation of OpenSSL Certificate Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-601 URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-603 Use of Client-Side Authentication Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-611 Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-612 Improper Authorization of Index Containing Sensitive Information Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-613 Insufficient Session Expiration Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-620 Unverified Password Change Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-623 Unsafe ActiveX Control Marked Safe For Scripting Variant Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-639 Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-640 Weak Password Recovery Mechanism for Forgotten Password Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-645 Overly Restrictive Account Lockout Mechanism Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-647 Use of Non-Canonical URL Paths for Authorization Decisions Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-648 Incorrect Use of Privileged APIs Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-708 Incorrect Ownership Assignment Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-732 Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource Class Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-798 Use of Hard-coded Credentials Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-804 Guessable CAPTCHA Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-836 Use of Password Hash Instead of Password for Authentication Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-842 Placement of User into Incorrect Group Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-862 Missing Authorization Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-863 Incorrect Authorization Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-918 Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-921 Storage of Sensitive Data in a Mechanism without Access Control Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-923 Improper Restriction of Communication Channel to Intended Endpoints Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-925 Improper Verification of Intent by Broadcast Receiver Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-926 Improper Export of Android Application Components Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-927 Use of Implicit Intent for Sensitive Communication Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-939 Improper Authorization in Handler for Custom URL Scheme Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-940 Improper Verification of Source of a Communication Channel Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-941 Incorrectly Specified Destination in a Communication Channel Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-942 Permissive Cross-domain Policy with Untrusted Domains Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1004 Sensitive Cookie Without 'HttpOnly' Flag Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1021 Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1022 Use of Web Link to Untrusted Target with window.opener Access Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1191 On-Chip Debug and Test Interface With Improper Access Control Base Simple Stable
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1220 Insufficient Granularity of Access Control Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1222 Insufficient Granularity of Address Regions Protected by Register Locks Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1224 Improper Restriction of Write-Once Bit Fields Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1230 Exposure of Sensitive Information Through Metadata Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1231 Improper Prevention of Lock Bit Modification Base Simple Stable
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1233 Security-Sensitive Hardware Controls with Missing Lock Bit Protection Base Simple Stable
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1242 Inclusion of Undocumented Features or Chicken Bits Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1243 Sensitive Non-Volatile Information Not Protected During Debug Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1244 Internal Asset Exposed to Unsafe Debug Access Level or State Base Simple Stable
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1252 CPU Hardware Not Configured to Support Exclusivity of Write and Execute Operations Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1256 Improper Restriction of Software Interfaces to Hardware Features Base Simple Stable
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1257 Improper Access Control Applied to Mirrored or Aliased Memory Regions Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1259 Improper Restriction of Security Token Assignment Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1260 Improper Handling of Overlap Between Protected Memory Ranges Base Simple Stable
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1262 Improper Access Control for Register Interface Base Simple Stable
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1263 Improper Physical Access Control Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1267 Policy Uses Obsolete Encoding Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1268 Policy Privileges are not Assigned Consistently Between Control and Data Agents Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1270 Generation of Incorrect Security Tokens Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1274 Improper Access Control for Volatile Memory Containing Boot Code Base Simple Stable
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1275 Sensitive Cookie with Improper SameSite Attribute Variant Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1276 Hardware Child Block Incorrectly Connected to Parent System Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1283 Mutable Attestation or Measurement Reporting Data Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1290 Incorrect Decoding of Security Identifiers Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1292 Incorrect Conversion of Security Identifiers Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1294 Insecure Security Identifier Mechanism Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1296 Incorrect Chaining or Granularity of Debug Components Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1297 Unprotected Confidential Information on Device is Accessible by OSAT Vendors Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1299 Missing Protection Mechanism for Alternate Hardware Interface Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1302 Missing Source Identifier in Entity Transactions on a System-On-Chip (SOC) Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1304 Improperly Preserved Integrity of Hardware Configuration State During a Power Save/Restore Operation Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1311 Improper Translation of Security Attributes by Fabric Bridge Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1312 Missing Protection for Mirrored Regions in On-Chip Fabric Firewall Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1313 Hardware Allows Activation of Test or Debug Logic at Runtime Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1314 Missing Write Protection for Parametric Data Values Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1315 Improper Setting of Bus Controlling Capability in Fabric End-point Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1316 Fabric-Address Map Allows Programming of Unwarranted Overlaps of Protected and Unprotected Ranges Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1317 Improper Access Control in Fabric Bridge Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1320 Improper Protection for Outbound Error Messages and Alert Signals Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1323 Improper Management of Sensitive Trace Data Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1328 Security Version Number Mutable to Older Versions Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1334 Unauthorized Error Injection Can Degrade Hardware Redundancy Base Simple Draft
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1390 Weak Authentication Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1391 Use of Weak Credentials Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1392 Use of Default Credentials Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1393 Use of Default Password Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1400 Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends CWE-1394 Use of Default Cryptographic Key Base Simple Incomplete