CWE-257: Storing Passwords in a Recoverable Format

ID CWE-257
Abstraction Base
Structure Simple
Status Incomplete
Number of CVEs 34
The storage of passwords in a recoverable format makes them subject to password reuse attacks by malicious users. In fact, it should be noted that recoverable encrypted passwords provide no significant benefit over plaintext passwords since they are subject not only to reuse by malicious attackers but also by malicious insiders. If a system administrator can recover a password directly, or use a brute force search on the available information, the administrator can use the password on other accounts.

Modes of Introduction

Phase Note
Architecture and Design COMMISSION: This weakness refers to an incorrect design related to an architectural security tactic.

Applicable Platforms

Type Class Name Prevalence
Language Not Language-Specific


View Weakness
# ID View Status # ID Name Abstraction Structure Status
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-522 Insufficiently Protected Credentials Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-259 Use of Hard-coded Password Variant Simple Draft

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

The Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPECâ„¢) effort provides a publicly available catalog of common attack patterns that helps users understand how adversaries exploit weaknesses in applications and other cyber-enabled capabilities.

# ID Name Weaknesses
CAPEC-49 Password Brute Forcing CWE-257

CVEs Published

CVSS Severity

CVSS Severity - By Year

CVSS Base Score

# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date