CWE-1400: Comprehensive Categorization for Software Assurance Trends

ID CWE-1400
Type Graph
Status Draft

This view organizes weaknesses around categories that are of interest to large-scale software assurance research to support the elimination of weaknesses using tactics such as secure language development. It is also intended to help tracking weakness trends in publicly disclosed vulnerability data. This view is comprehensive in that every weakness must be contained in it, unlike most other views that only use a subset of weaknesses. This view is structured with categories at the top level, with a second level of only weaknesses. Relationships among the weaknesses presented under the research view (CWE-1000) are not shown.

Each weakness is added to only one category. All categories are mutually exclusive; that is, no weakness can be a member of more than one category. While weaknesses defy strict categorization along only one characteristic, the forced bucketing into a single category can simplify certain kinds of analysis.

Note that the size of each category can vary widely because (1) CWE is not as well fleshed-out in some areas compared to others; (2) abstraction of the CWEs in the grouping might go down to Variant level for some buckets, versus others.


Type # ID Name Abstraction Structure Status
Category CWE-1396 Comprehensive Categorization: Access Control Incomplete
Category CWE-1397 Comprehensive Categorization: Comparison Incomplete
Category CWE-1398 Comprehensive Categorization: Component Interaction Incomplete
Category CWE-1401 Comprehensive Categorization: Concurrency Incomplete
Category CWE-1402 Comprehensive Categorization: Encryption Incomplete
Category CWE-1403 Comprehensive Categorization: Exposed Resource Incomplete
Category CWE-1404 Comprehensive Categorization: File Handling Incomplete
Category CWE-1405 Comprehensive Categorization: Improper Check or Handling of Exceptional Conditions Incomplete
Category CWE-1406 Comprehensive Categorization: Improper Input Validation Incomplete
Category CWE-1407 Comprehensive Categorization: Improper Neutralization Incomplete
Category CWE-1408 Comprehensive Categorization: Incorrect Calculation Incomplete
Category CWE-1409 Comprehensive Categorization: Injection Incomplete
Category CWE-1410 Comprehensive Categorization: Insufficient Control Flow Management Incomplete
Category CWE-1411 Comprehensive Categorization: Insufficient Verification of Data Authenticity Incomplete
Category CWE-1399 Comprehensive Categorization: Memory Safety Incomplete
Category CWE-1412 Comprehensive Categorization: Poor Coding Practices Incomplete
Category CWE-1413 Comprehensive Categorization: Protection Mechanism Failure Incomplete
Category CWE-1414 Comprehensive Categorization: Randomness Incomplete
Category CWE-1415 Comprehensive Categorization: Resource Control Incomplete
Category CWE-1416 Comprehensive Categorization: Resource Lifecycle Management Incomplete
Category CWE-1417 Comprehensive Categorization: Sensitive Information Exposure Incomplete
Category CWE-1418 Comprehensive Categorization: Violation of Secure Design Principles Incomplete