[USN-4446-2] Squid regression

Severity None
Affected Packages 12

USN-4446-1 introduced a regression in Squid.

USN-4446-1 fixed vulnerabilities in Squid. The update introduced a
regression when using Squid with the icap or ecap protocols. This update
fixes the problem.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Original advisory details:

Jeriko One discovered that Squid incorrectly handled caching certain
requests. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to perform
cache-injection attacks or gain access to reverse proxy features such as
ESI. (CVE-2019-12520)

Jeriko One and Kristoffer Danielsson discovered that Squid incorrectly
handled certain URN requests. A remote attacker could possibly use this
issue to bypass access checks. (CVE-2019-12523)

Jeriko One discovered that Squid incorrectly handled URL decoding. A remote
attacker could possibly use this issue to bypass certain rule checks.

Jeriko One and Kristoffer Danielsson discovered that Squid incorrectly
handled input validation. A remote attacker could use this issue to cause
Squid to crash, resulting in a denial of service. (CVE-2019-18676)

(4 years ago)
(4 years ago)
Type Package URL Namespace Name / Product Version Distribution / Platform Arch Patch / Fix
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squidclient?distro=xenial ubuntu squidclient < 3.5.12-1ubuntu7.13 xenial
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squidclient?distro=bionic ubuntu squidclient < 3.5.27-1ubuntu1.8 bionic
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid?distro=xenial ubuntu squid < 3.5.12-1ubuntu7.13 xenial
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid?distro=bionic ubuntu squid < 3.5.27-1ubuntu1.8 bionic
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid3?distro=xenial ubuntu squid3 < 3.5.12-1ubuntu7.13 xenial
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid3?distro=bionic ubuntu squid3 < 3.5.27-1ubuntu1.8 bionic
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid-purge?distro=xenial ubuntu squid-purge < 3.5.12-1ubuntu7.13 xenial
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid-purge?distro=bionic ubuntu squid-purge < 3.5.27-1ubuntu1.8 bionic
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid-common?distro=xenial ubuntu squid-common < 3.5.12-1ubuntu7.13 xenial
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid-common?distro=bionic ubuntu squid-common < 3.5.27-1ubuntu1.8 bionic
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid-cgi?distro=xenial ubuntu squid-cgi < 3.5.12-1ubuntu7.13 xenial
Affected pkg:deb/ubuntu/squid-cgi?distro=bionic ubuntu squid-cgi < 3.5.27-1ubuntu1.8 bionic