[SUSE-SU-2023:4358-1] Security update for the Linux Kernel

Severity Important
Affected Packages 1
CVEs 9

Security update for the Linux Kernel

The SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3 RT kernel was updated to receive various security and bugfixes.

The following security bugs were fixed:

  • CVE-2023-2163: Fixed an incorrect verifier pruning in BPF that could lead to unsafe code paths being incorrectly marked as safe, resulting in arbitrary read/write in kernel memory, lateral privilege escalation, and container escape. (bsc#1215518)
  • CVE-2023-3777: Fixed a use-after-free vulnerability in netfilter: nf_tables component can be exploited to achieve local privilege escalation. (bsc#1215095)
  • CVE-2023-34324: Fixed a possible deadlock in Linux kernel event handling. (bsc#1215745).
  • CVE-2023-39189: Fixed a flaw in the Netfilter subsystem that could allow a local privileged (CAP_NET_ADMIN) attacker to trigger an out-of-bounds read, leading to a crash or information disclosure. (bsc#1216046)
  • CVE-2023-3111: Fixed a use-after-free vulnerability in prepare_to_relocate in fs/btrfs/relocation.c (bsc#1212051).
  • CVE-2023-39194: Fixed an out of bounds read in the XFRM subsystem (bsc#1215861).
  • CVE-2023-39193: Fixed an out of bounds read in the xtables subsystem (bsc#1215860).
  • CVE-2023-39192: Fixed an out of bounds read in the netfilter (bsc#1215858).
  • CVE-2023-42754: Fixed a NULL pointer dereference in the IPv4 stack that could lead to denial of service (bsc#1215467).

The following non-security bugs were fixed:

  • nvme-fc: Prevent null pointer dereference in nvme_fc_io_getuuid() (bsc#1214842).
Package Affected Version
pkg:rpm/suse/kernel-rt?arch=x86_64&distro=slem-5 < 5.3.18-150300.149.1
(10 months ago)
(10 months ago)
Copyright 2024 SUSE LLC. All rights reserved.
Other Advisories
Source # ID Name URL
Suse SUSE ratings https://www.suse.com/support/security/rating/
Suse URL of this CSAF notice https://ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/security/csaf/suse-su-2023_4358-1.json
Suse URL for SUSE-SU-2023:4358-1 https://www.suse.com/support/update/announcement/2023/suse-su-20234358-1/
Suse E-Mail link for SUSE-SU-2023:4358-1 https://lists.suse.com/pipermail/sle-security-updates/2023-November/016992.html
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1212051 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1212051
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1214842 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1214842
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1215095 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1215095
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1215467 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1215467
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1215518 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1215518
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1215745 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1215745
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1215858 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1215858
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1215860 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1215860
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1215861 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1215861
Bugzilla SUSE Bug 1216046 https://bugzilla.suse.com/1216046
CVE SUSE CVE CVE-2023-2163 page https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-2163/
CVE SUSE CVE CVE-2023-3111 page https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-3111/
CVE SUSE CVE CVE-2023-34324 page https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-34324/
CVE SUSE CVE CVE-2023-3777 page https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-3777/
CVE SUSE CVE CVE-2023-39189 page https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-39189/
CVE SUSE CVE CVE-2023-39192 page https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-39192/
CVE SUSE CVE CVE-2023-39193 page https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-39193/
CVE SUSE CVE CVE-2023-39194 page https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-39194/
CVE SUSE CVE CVE-2023-42754 page https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2023-42754/
Type Package URL Namespace Name / Product Version Distribution / Platform Arch Patch / Fix
Affected pkg:rpm/suse/kernel-rt?arch=x86_64&distro=slem-5 suse kernel-rt < 5.3.18-150300.149.1 slem-5 x86_64
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date