[ELSA-2024-5231] bind and bind-dyndb-ldap security update

Severity Important
Affected Packages 11
CVEs 3

- Fix warning when changing device file permissions [Orabug: 36518580]

- Minor fix of reclimit test backport (CVE-2024-1737)

- Backport addition of max-records-per-type and max-records-per-type options

- Resolve CVE-2024-1975
- Resolve CVE-2024-1737
- Resolve CVE-2024-4076
- Add ability to change runtime limits for max types and records per name

- Rebuild with correct z-stream tag again

- Prevent crashing at masterformat system test (CVE-2023-6516)

- Import tests for large DNS messages fix
- Add downstream change complementing CVE-2023-50387

- Prevent increased CPU load on large DNS messages (CVE-2023-4408)
- Prevent assertion failure when nxdomain-redirect is used with
RFC 1918 reverse zones (CVE-2023-5517)
- Prevent assertion failure if DNS64 and serve-stale is used (CVE-2023-5679)
- Specific recursive query patterns may lead to an out-of-memory
condition (CVE-2023-6516)
- Prevent increased CPU consumption in DNSSEC validator (CVE-2023-50387

- Update addresses of b.root-servers.net (RHEL-18188)

- Limit the amount of recursion possible in control channel (CVE-2023-3341)

- Prevent possible endless loop when refreshing stale data (CVE-2023-2911)

- Strengten cache cleaning to prevent overflowing configured limit

- Correct backport issue in statistics rendering fix (#2126912)

- Handle subtle difference between upstream and rhel (CVE-2022-3094)

- Prevent flooding with UPDATE requests (CVE-2022-3094)
- Handle RRSIG queries when server-stale is active (CVE-2022-3736)
- Fix crash when soft-quota is reached and serve-stale is active (CVE-2022-3924)

- Correct regression preventing bind-dyndb-ldap build (#2162795)

- Prevent freeing zone during statistics rendering (#2101712)

- Bound the amount of work performed for delegations (CVE-2022-2795)
- Add /usr/lib64/named to bind-chroot (#2129466)

- Fix possible serve-stale related crash (CVE-2022-3080)
- Fix memory leak in ECDSA verify processing (CVE-2022-38177)
- Fix memory leak in EdDSA verify processing (CVE-2022-38178)

- Rebuilt for BIND CVE-2024-1737 fixes (CVE-2024-1737)

Type Package URL Namespace Name / Product Version Distribution / Platform Arch Patch / Fix
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/python3-bind?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux python3-bind < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind-utils?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind-utils < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind-license?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind-license < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind-libs?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind-libs < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind-dyndb-ldap?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind-dyndb-ldap < 11.9-10.el9_4 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind-doc?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind-doc < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind-dnssec-utils?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind-dnssec-utils < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind-dnssec-doc?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind-dnssec-doc < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind-devel?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind-devel < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
Affected pkg:rpm/oraclelinux/bind-chroot?distro=oraclelinux-9.4 oraclelinux bind-chroot < 9.16.23-18.0.1.el9_4.6 oraclelinux-9.4
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date