[openSUSE-SU-2021:0644-1] Security update for MozillaThunderbird

Severity Important
Affected Packages 3
CVEs 9

Security update for MozillaThunderbird

This update for MozillaThunderbird fixes the following issues:

  • Firefox was updated to 78.10.0 ESR (bsc#1184960)
    • CVE-2021-23994: Out of bound write due to lazy initialization
    • CVE-2021-23995: Use-after-free in Responsive Design Mode
    • CVE-2021-23998: Secure Lock icon could have been spoofed
    • CVE-2021-23961: More internal network hosts could have been probed by a malicious webpage
    • CVE-2021-23999: Blob URLs may have been granted additional privileges
    • CVE-2021-24002: Arbitrary FTP command execution on FTP servers using an encoded URL
    • CVE-2021-29945: Incorrect size computation in WebAssembly JIT could lead to null-reads
    • CVE-2021-29946: Port blocking could be bypassed
    • CVE-2021-29948: Race condition when reading from disk while verifying signatures

This update was imported from the SUSE:SLE-15-SP2:Update update project.

Type Package URL Namespace Name / Product Version Distribution / Platform Arch Patch / Fix
Affected pkg:rpm/opensuse/MozillaThunderbird?arch=x86_64&distro=opensuse-leap-15.2 opensuse MozillaThunderbird < 78.10.0-lp152.2.41.1 opensuse-leap-15.2 x86_64
Affected pkg:rpm/opensuse/MozillaThunderbird-translations-other?arch=x86_64&distro=opensuse-leap-15.2 opensuse MozillaThunderbird-translations-other < 78.10.0-lp152.2.41.1 opensuse-leap-15.2 x86_64
Affected pkg:rpm/opensuse/MozillaThunderbird-translations-common?arch=x86_64&distro=opensuse-leap-15.2 opensuse MozillaThunderbird-translations-common < 78.10.0-lp152.2.41.1 opensuse-leap-15.2 x86_64
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date