[MAVEN:GHSA-PMXQ-PJ47-J8J4] Domain restrictions bypass via DNS Rebinding in WireMock and WireMock Studio webhooks, proxy and recorder modes

Severity Low
Affected Packages 5
Fixed Packages 5
CVEs 1


The proxy mode of WireMock, can be protected by the network restrictions configuration, as documented in Preventing proxying to and recording from specific target addresses. These restrictions can be configured using the domain names, and in such a case the configuration is vulnerable to the DNS rebinding attacks. A similar patch was applied in WireMock 3.0.0-beta-15 for the WireMock Webhook Extensions.

The root cause of the attack is a defect in the logic which allows for a race condition triggered by a DNS server whose address expires in between the initial validation and the outbound network request that might go to a domain that was supposed to be prohibited. Control over a DNS service is required to exploit this attack, so it has high execution complexity and limited impact.

Affected versions

  • WireMock 3,x until 3.0.3 (security patch), on default settings in environments with access to the network
  • WireMock 2.x until 2.35.1 (security patch), on default settings in environments with access to the network
  • Python WireMock until 2.6.1
  • WireMock Studio - all versions, this proprietary product was discontinued in 2022


  • WireMock 3.0.3 + the 3.0.3-1 Docker image
  • WireMock 2.35.1 + the 2.35.1-1 Docker image - backport to WireMock 2.x
  • Python WireMock 2.6.1


For WireMock:

  • Option 1: Configure WireMock to use IP addresses instead of the domain names in the outbound URLs subject to DNS rebinding
  • Option 2: Use external firewall rules to define the list of permitted destinations

For WireMock Studio: N/A. Switch to another distribution, there will be no fix provided. The vendor of former WireMock Studio recommends migration to WireMock Cloud


  • CVE-2023-41327 - Related issue in the WireMock Webhooks Extension
(12 months ago)
(10 months ago)
Maven Security Team
Type Package URL Namespace Name / Product Version Distribution / Platform Arch Patch / Fix
Affected pkg:maven/wiremock wiremock < 2.6.1
Fixed pkg:maven/wiremock wiremock = 2.6.1
Affected pkg:maven/org.wiremock/wiremock-standalone org.wiremock wiremock-standalone < 3.0.3
Fixed pkg:maven/org.wiremock/wiremock-standalone org.wiremock wiremock-standalone = 3.0.3
Affected pkg:maven/org.wiremock/wiremock org.wiremock wiremock < 3.0.3
Fixed pkg:maven/org.wiremock/wiremock org.wiremock wiremock = 3.0.3
Affected pkg:maven/com.github.tomakehurst/wiremock-jre8-standalone com.github.tomakehurst wiremock-jre8-standalone < 2.35.1
Fixed pkg:maven/com.github.tomakehurst/wiremock-jre8-standalone com.github.tomakehurst wiremock-jre8-standalone = 2.35.1
Affected pkg:maven/com.github.tomakehurst/wiremock-jre8 com.github.tomakehurst wiremock-jre8 < 2.35.1
Fixed pkg:maven/com.github.tomakehurst/wiremock-jre8 com.github.tomakehurst wiremock-jre8 = 2.35.1
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date