[MAVEN:GHSA-6MJQ-H674-J845] netty-handler SniHandler 16MB allocation

Severity Moderate
Affected Packages 1
Fixed Packages 1
CVEs 1


The SniHandler can allocate up to 16MB of heap for each channel during the TLS handshake. When the handler or the channel does not have an idle timeout, it can be used to make a TCP server using the SniHandler to allocate 16MB of heap.


The SniHandler class is a handler that waits for the TLS handshake to configure a SslHandler according to the indicated server name by the ClientHello record. For this matter it allocates a ByteBuf using the value defined in the ClientHello record.

Normally the value of the packet should be smaller than the handshake packet but there are not checks done here and the way the code is written, it is possible to craft a packet that makes the SslClientHelloHandler

1/ allocate a 16MB ByteBuf
2/ not fail decode method in buffer
3/ get out of the loop without an exception

The combination of this without the use of a timeout makes easy to connect to a TCP server and allocate 16MB of heap memory per connection.


If the user has no idle timeout handler configured it might be possible for a remote peer to send a client hello packet which lead the server to buffer up to 16MB of data per connection. This could lead to a OutOfMemoryError and so result in a DDOS.

Package Affected Version
pkg:maven/io.netty/netty-handler < 4.1.94.Final
Package Fixed Version
pkg:maven/io.netty/netty-handler = 4.1.94.Final
(15 months ago)
(10 months ago)
Maven Security Team
Other Advisories
Type Package URL Namespace Name / Product Version Distribution / Platform Arch Patch / Fix
Affected pkg:maven/io.netty/netty-handler io.netty netty-handler < 4.1.94.Final
Fixed pkg:maven/io.netty/netty-handler io.netty netty-handler = 4.1.94.Final
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date