[JENKINS:SECURITY-2835] Incorrect permission checks in `google-compute-engine`

Severity Medium
Affected Packages 2
Fixed Packages 2
CVEs 1

google-compute-engine 4.550.vb_327fca_3db_11 and earlier does not correctly perform permission checks in multiple HTTP endpoints.
This allows attackers with global Item/Configure permission (while lacking Item/Configure permission on any particular job) to do the following:

  • Enumerate system-scoped credentials IDs of credentials stored in Jenkins. Those can be used as part of an attack to capture the credentials using another vulnerability.
  • Connect to Google Cloud Platform using attacker-specified credentials IDs obtained through another method, to obtain information about existing projects.

google-compute-engine 4.551.v5a_4dc98f6962 requires Overall/Administer permission for the affected HTTP endpoints.

Package Affected Version
pkg:maven/org.jenkins-ci.plugins/google-compute-engine <= 4.550.vb_327fca_3db_11
pkg:github/jenkinsci/google-compute-engine-plugin <= 4.550.vb_327fca_3db_11
(9 months ago)
(9 months ago)
Jenkins Security Team
Other Advisories
Source # ID Name URL
Plugin repository google-compute-engine repository https://github.com/jenkinsci/google-compute-engine-plugin
Type Package URL Namespace Name / Product Version Distribution / Platform Arch Patch / Fix
Affected pkg:maven/org.jenkins-ci.plugins/google-compute-engine org.jenkins-ci.plugins google-compute-engine <= 4.550.vb_327fca_3db_11
Fixed pkg:maven/org.jenkins-ci.plugins/google-compute-engine org.jenkins-ci.plugins google-compute-engine = 4.551.v5a_4dc98f6962
Affected pkg:github/jenkinsci/google-compute-engine-plugin jenkinsci google-compute-engine-plugin <= 4.550.vb_327fca_3db_11
Fixed pkg:github/jenkinsci/google-compute-engine-plugin jenkinsci google-compute-engine-plugin = 4.551.v5a_4dc98f6962
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date