[FREEBSD:D9B43004-F5FD-4807-B1D7-DBF66455B244] mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities

Severity High
Affected Packages 8
CVEs 16

The Mozilla Project reports:

  MFSA-2015-46 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:38.0
    / rv:31.7)
  MFSA-2015-47 Buffer overflow parsing H.264 video with
    Linux Gstreamer
  MFSA-2015-48 Buffer overflow with SVG content and CSS
  MFSA-2015-49 Referrer policy ignored when links opened by
    middle-click and context menu
  MFSA-2015-50 Out-of-bounds read and write in asm.js validation
  MFSA-2015-51 Use-after-free during text processing with
    vertical text enabled
  MFSA-2015-52 Sensitive URL encoded information written to
    Android logcat
  MFSA-2015-53 Use-after-free due to Media Decoder Thread creation
    during shutdown
  MFSA-2015-54 Buffer overflow when parsing compressed XML
  MFSA-2015-55 Buffer overflow and out-of-bounds read while
    parsing MP4 video metadata
  MFSA-2015-56 Untrusted site hosting trusted page can
    intercept webchannel responses
  MFSA-2015-57 Privilege escalation through IPC channel messages
  MFSA-2015-58 Mozilla Windows updater can be run outside
    of application directory
  MFSA 2015-93 Integer overflows in libstagefright while processing
    MP4 video metadata
Type Package URL Namespace Name / Product Version Distribution / Platform Arch Patch / Fix
Affected pkg:freebsd/thunderbird thunderbird < 31.7.0
Affected pkg:freebsd/seamonkey seamonkey < 2.35
Affected pkg:freebsd/linux-thunderbird linux-thunderbird < 31.7.0
Affected pkg:freebsd/linux-seamonkey linux-seamonkey < 2.35
Affected pkg:freebsd/linux-firefox linux-firefox < 38.0,1
Affected pkg:freebsd/libxul libxul < 31.7.0
Affected pkg:freebsd/firefox-esr firefox-esr < 31.7.0,1
Affected pkg:freebsd/firefox firefox < 38.0,1
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date