[FEDORA-2017-8425f676f2] Fedora 24: mariadb

Severity High
Affected Packages 1
CVEs 16

Rebase to 10.1.24 Plugin oqgraph enabled Plugin jemalloc enabled
Sphinx engine enabled Build dependecies Bison and Libarchive added, others
corrected Disabling Mroonga engine for i686 architecture, as it is not
supported by MariaDB Removed patches: (fixed by upstream) Patch5:
%{pkgnamepatch}-file-contents.patch Patch14: %{pkgnamepatch}-example-config-
files.patch Patch31: %{pkgnamepatch}-string-overflow.patch Patch32:
%{pkgnamepatch}-basedir.patch Patch41: %{pkgnamepatch}-galera-new-cluster-
help.patch CVEs fix CVE-2017-3313 CVE-2017-3308 CVE-2017-3309
CVE-2017-3453 CVE-2017-3456 CVE-2017-3464 Testsuite Enabled
'--big-test' option for the testsuite Disabled '--skip-rpl' option for the
testsuite = replication tests enabled Warning Some Spider tests
started to fail, the engine can be probabbly unsafe now. Aditional bugs
#1459671: mariadb fails to start with tokudb; jemalloc not
correctly enabled ---- Rebase to 10.1.24 Plugin oqgraph enabled
Plugin jemalloc enabled Sphinx engine enabled Build dependecies Bison
and Libarchive added, others corrected Disabling Mroonga engine for i686
architecture, as it is not supported by MariaDB Removed patches: (fixed by
Patch5: %{pkgnamepatch}-file-contents.patch Patch14:
%{pkgnamepatch}-example-config-files.patch Patch31: %{pkgnamepatch}-string-
overflow.patch Patch32: %{pkgnamepatch}-basedir.patch Patch41:
%{pkgnamepatch}-galera-new-cluster-help.patch CVEs fix CVE-2017-3313
CVE-2017-3308 CVE-2017-3309 CVE-2017-3453 CVE-2017-3456
CVE-2017-3464 Testsuite Enabled '--big-test' option for the testsuite
Disabled '--skip-rpl' option for the testsuite = replication tests enabled
Warning Some Spider tests started to fail, the engine can be probabbly
unsafe now. Aditional bugs solved: #1459671: mariadb fails to start
with tokudb; jemalloc not correctly enabled ---- Rebase to 10.1.24
Plugin oqgraph enabled Plugin jemalloc enabled Sphinx engine enabled
Build dependecies Bison and Libarchive added, others corrected Disabling
Mroonga engine for i686 architecture, as it is not supported by MariaDB
Removed patches: (fixed by upstream) Patch5: %{pkgnamepatch}-file-
contents.patch Patch14: %{pkgnamepatch}-example-config-files.patch
Patch31: %{pkgnamepatch}-string-overflow.patch Patch32:
%{pkgnamepatch}-basedir.patch Patch41: %{pkgnamepatch}-galera-new-
cluster-help.patch CVEs fix CVE-2017-3313 CVE-2017-3308
CVE-2017-3309 CVE-2017-3453 CVE-2017-3456 CVE-2017-3464
Testsuite Enabled '--big-test' option for the testsuite Disabled
'--skip-rpl' option for the testsuite = replication tests enabled Warning
Some Spider tests started to fail, the engine can be probabbly unsafe now.

Package Affected Version
pkg:rpm/fedora/mariadb?distro=fedora-24 <
Source # ID Name URL
Bugzilla 1459671 Bug #1459671 - mariadb fails to start with tokudb; jemalloc not correctly enabled https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1459671
Bugzilla 1414387 Bug #1414387 - CVE-2017-3238 CVE-2017-3243 CVE-2017-3244 CVE-2017-3257 CVE-2017-3258 CVE-2017-3265 CVE-2017-3291 CVE-2017-3312 CVE-2017-3313 CVE-2017-3317 CVE-2017-3318 mariadb: various flaws [fedora-all] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1414387
Type Package URL Namespace Name / Product Version Distribution / Platform Arch Patch / Fix
Affected pkg:rpm/fedora/mariadb?distro=fedora-24 fedora mariadb < fedora-24
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date