
Type maven
Namespace io.undertow
Name undertow-core

Known advisories, vulnerabilities and fixes for io.undertow/undertow-core package.

Critical 3
High 14
Moderate 14
Type Version Distribution # CVEs # Advisory ID Title Severity Published
Affected <= 2.0.42 CVE-2020-1757
maven MAVEN:GHSA-2W73-FQQJ-C92P Improper Input Validation in Undertow high 2022-05-24T17:15:56
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.1.0 CVE-2020-1757
maven MAVEN:GHSA-2W73-FQQJ-C92P Improper Input Validation in Undertow high 2022-05-24T17:15:56
(2 years ago)
Affected < 2.2.15 CVE-2021-3859
maven MAVEN:GHSA-339Q-62WM-C39W Undertow vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks high 2022-07-15T21:32:13
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.2.15 CVE-2021-3859
maven MAVEN:GHSA-339Q-62WM-C39W Undertow vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks high 2022-07-15T21:32:13
(2 years ago)
Affected < 1.3.25.Final >= 1.4.0, < 1.4.3.Final CVE-2016-7046
maven MAVEN:GHSA-3F57-W2RP-72FC Undertow Uncaught Exception vulnerability moderate 2022-05-17T00:15:06
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 1.3.25.Final = 1.4.3.Final CVE-2016-7046
maven MAVEN:GHSA-3F57-W2RP-72FC Undertow Uncaught Exception vulnerability moderate 2022-05-17T00:15:06
(2 years ago)
Affected < 1.3.28 CVE-2017-2670
maven MAVEN:GHSA-3X7H-5HFR-HVJM Moderate severity vulnerability that affects io.undertow:undertow-core moderate 2018-10-19T16:54:56
(5 years ago)
Fixed = 1.3.28 CVE-2017-2670
maven MAVEN:GHSA-3X7H-5HFR-HVJM Moderate severity vulnerability that affects io.undertow:undertow-core moderate 2018-10-19T16:54:56
(5 years ago)
Affected = 2.0.0.Alpha1 >= 1.4.0, < 1.4.17 < 1.3.31 CVE-2017-12165
maven MAVEN:GHSA-5GG7-5WV8-4GCJ Undertow Request Smuggling vulnerability high 2022-05-13T01:38:14
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.0.Beta1 = 1.4.17 = 1.3.31 CVE-2017-12165
maven MAVEN:GHSA-5GG7-5WV8-4GCJ Undertow Request Smuggling vulnerability high 2022-05-13T01:38:14
(2 years ago)
Affected < 2.0.20 CVE-2019-10212
maven MAVEN:GHSA-8VH8-VC28-M2HF Potential to access user credentials from the log files when debug logging enabled critical 2019-11-20T01:33:54
(4 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.20 CVE-2019-10212
maven MAVEN:GHSA-8VH8-VC28-M2HF Potential to access user credentials from the log files when debug logging enabled critical 2019-11-20T01:33:54
(4 years ago)
Affected < 2.3.14.Final CVE-2024-6162
maven MAVEN:GHSA-9442-GM4V-R222 Undertow's url-encoded request path information can be broken on ajp-listener high 2024-06-20T15:31:19
(2 months ago)
Fixed = 2.3.14.Final CVE-2024-6162
maven MAVEN:GHSA-9442-GM4V-R222 Undertow's url-encoded request path information can be broken on ajp-listener high 2024-06-20T15:31:19
(2 months ago)
Affected = 2.3.0.Alpha1 < 2.2.19.Final CVE-2022-2053
maven MAVEN:GHSA-95RF-557X-44G5 Undertow vulnerable to Dos via Large AJP request high 2022-08-06T00:00:46
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.3.0.Alpha2 = 2.2.19.Final CVE-2022-2053
maven MAVEN:GHSA-95RF-557X-44G5 Undertow vulnerable to Dos via Large AJP request high 2022-08-06T00:00:46
(2 years ago)
Affected <= 2.3.15.Final CVE-2024-7885
maven MAVEN:GHSA-9623-MQMM-5RCF Undertow vulnerable to Race Condition high 2024-08-21T15:30:54
(3 weeks ago)
Affected <= 2.1.0.Final CVE-2020-10719
maven MAVEN:GHSA-CCCF-7XW3-P2VR HTTP Request Smuggling in Undertow moderate 2021-04-30T17:28:33
(3 years ago)
Fixed = 2.1.1.Final CVE-2020-10719
maven MAVEN:GHSA-CCCF-7XW3-P2VR HTTP Request Smuggling in Undertow moderate 2021-04-30T17:28:33
(3 years ago)
Affected <= 2.3.14.Final CVE-2024-3653
maven MAVEN:GHSA-CH7Q-GPFF-H9HP Undertow Missing Release of Memory after Effective Lifetime vulnerability moderate 2024-07-09T00:31:40
(2 months ago)
Affected <= 1.4.23.Final >= 2.0.0.Alpha1, <= 2.0.1.Final CVE-2017-12196
maven MAVEN:GHSA-CP7V-VMV7-6X2Q Incorrect Authorization in Undertow moderate 2022-05-13T01:38:10
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 1.4.24.Final = 2.0.2.FInal CVE-2017-12196
maven MAVEN:GHSA-CP7V-VMV7-6X2Q Incorrect Authorization in Undertow moderate 2022-05-13T01:38:10
(2 years ago)
Affected >= 2.2.0, < 2.2.10 < 2.0.40 CVE-2021-3690
maven MAVEN:GHSA-FJ7C-VG2V-CCRM Undertow vulnerable to memory exhaustion due to buffer leak high 2022-07-15T21:07:20
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.2.10 = 2.0.40 CVE-2021-3690
maven MAVEN:GHSA-FJ7C-VG2V-CCRM Undertow vulnerable to memory exhaustion due to buffer leak high 2022-07-15T21:07:20
(2 years ago)
Affected <= 2.1.0.Final CVE-2020-10705
maven MAVEN:GHSA-G4CP-H53P-V3V8 Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling in Undertow high 2021-04-30T17:28:42
(3 years ago)
Fixed = 2.1.1.Final CVE-2020-10705
maven MAVEN:GHSA-G4CP-H53P-V3V8 Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling in Undertow high 2021-04-30T17:28:42
(3 years ago)
Affected >= 2.0.0.Alpha1, <= 2.0.4.Final <= 1.4.24.FInal CVE-2018-1114
maven MAVEN:GHSA-GJJX-GQM4-WCGM Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in Undertow moderate 2022-05-13T01:33:31
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.5.Final = 1.4.25.Final CVE-2018-1114
maven MAVEN:GHSA-GJJX-GQM4-WCGM Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in Undertow moderate 2022-05-13T01:33:31
(2 years ago)
Affected <= 2.0.29 CVE-2020-1745
maven MAVEN:GHSA-GV2W-88HX-8M9R Improper Authorization in Undertoe high 2022-05-24T17:16:46
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.30 CVE-2020-1745
maven MAVEN:GHSA-GV2W-88HX-8M9R Improper Authorization in Undertoe high 2022-05-24T17:16:46
(2 years ago)
Affected >= 1.2.0.Beta1, <= 1.2.0.Beta2 >= 1.1.0.Beta1, <= 1.1.0.CR4 >= 1.0.0, < 1.0.17 CVE-2014-7816
maven MAVEN:GHSA-H6P6-FC4W-CQHX Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory in JBoss Undertow moderate 2022-05-17T04:15:16
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 1.2.0.Beta3 = 1.1.0.CR5 = 1.0.17 CVE-2014-7816
maven MAVEN:GHSA-H6P6-FC4W-CQHX Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory in JBoss Undertow moderate 2022-05-17T04:15:16
(2 years ago)
Affected < 2.0.21 CVE-2019-3888
maven MAVEN:GHSA-JWGX-9MMH-684W Credential exposure through log files in Undertow critical 2019-06-13T20:02:56
(5 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.21 CVE-2019-3888
maven MAVEN:GHSA-JWGX-9MMH-684W Credential exposure through log files in Undertow critical 2019-06-13T20:02:56
(5 years ago)
Affected < 2.2.24.Final >= 2.3.0, < 2.3.5.Final CVE-2023-1108
maven MAVEN:GHSA-M4MM-PG93-FV78 Undertow denial of service vulnerability high 2023-09-14T15:31:23
(12 months ago)
Fixed = 2.2.24.Final = 2.3.5.Final CVE-2023-1108
maven MAVEN:GHSA-M4MM-PG93-FV78 Undertow denial of service vulnerability high 2023-09-14T15:31:23
(12 months ago)
Affected >= 1.4.0, < 1.4.17 < 1.3.31 CVE-2017-2666
maven MAVEN:GHSA-MCFM-H73V-635M Undertow-core vulnerable to HTTP Request Smuggling moderate 2018-10-19T16:55:14
(5 years ago)
Fixed = 1.4.17 = 1.3.31 CVE-2017-2666
maven MAVEN:GHSA-MCFM-H73V-635M Undertow-core vulnerable to HTTP Request Smuggling moderate 2018-10-19T16:55:14
(5 years ago)
Affected <= 2.0.38.Final >= 2.1.0, <= 2.2.8.Final CVE-2021-3597
maven MAVEN:GHSA-MFHV-GWF8-4M88 undertow Race Condition vulnerability moderate 2022-05-25T00:00:21
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.39.Final = 2.2.9.Final CVE-2021-3597
maven MAVEN:GHSA-MFHV-GWF8-4M88 undertow Race Condition vulnerability moderate 2022-05-25T00:00:21
(2 years ago)
Affected <= 2.1.0.Final CVE-2020-10687
maven MAVEN:GHSA-P9W3-GWC2-CR49 HTTP Request Smuggling in Undertow moderate 2021-04-30T17:28:52
(3 years ago)
Fixed = 2.2.0.Final CVE-2020-10687
maven MAVEN:GHSA-P9W3-GWC2-CR49 HTTP Request Smuggling in Undertow moderate 2021-04-30T17:28:52
(3 years ago)
Affected < 2.2.24.Final >= 2.3.0, < 2.3.5.Final CVE-2022-4492
maven MAVEN:GHSA-PFCC-3G6R-8RG8 Undertow client not checking server identity presented by server certificate in https connections critical 2023-02-23T21:30:16
(19 months ago)
Fixed = 2.2.24.Final = 2.3.5.Final CVE-2022-4492
maven MAVEN:GHSA-PFCC-3G6R-8RG8 Undertow client not checking server identity presented by server certificate in https connections critical 2023-02-23T21:30:16
(19 months ago)
Affected < 2.0.34 >= 2.1.0, < 2.1.6 CVE-2021-20220
maven MAVEN:GHSA-QJWC-V72V-FQ6R HTTP request smuggling in Undertow moderate 2021-06-16T17:47:52
(3 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.34 = 2.1.6 CVE-2021-20220
maven MAVEN:GHSA-QJWC-V72V-FQ6R HTTP request smuggling in Undertow moderate 2021-06-16T17:47:52
(3 years ago)
Affected >= 2.1.0, <= 2.2.10.Final <= 2.0.39.Final CVE-2021-3629
maven MAVEN:GHSA-RF6Q-VX79-MJXR Undertow Uncontrolled Resource Consumption high 2022-05-25T00:00:22
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.2.11.Final = 2.0.40.Final CVE-2021-3629
maven MAVEN:GHSA-RF6Q-VX79-MJXR Undertow Uncontrolled Resource Consumption high 2022-05-25T00:00:22
(2 years ago)
Affected < 2.0.33 >= 2.1.0, < 2.1.5 CVE-2020-27782
maven MAVEN:GHSA-RHCW-WJCM-9H6G Denial of service in Undertow high 2022-02-09T00:54:12
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.33 = 2.1.5 CVE-2020-27782
maven MAVEN:GHSA-RHCW-WJCM-9H6G Denial of service in Undertow high 2022-02-09T00:54:12
(2 years ago)
Affected = 2.0.0.Alpha1 >= 1.3.0, < 1.3.31.Final >= 1.4.0, < 1.4.17.Final CVE-2017-7559
maven MAVEN:GHSA-RJ76-H87P-R3WF Undertow vulnerable to Request Smuggling moderate 2022-05-13T01:36:16
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.0.Alpha2 = 1.3.31.Final = 1.4.17.Final CVE-2017-7559
maven MAVEN:GHSA-RJ76-H87P-R3WF Undertow vulnerable to Request Smuggling moderate 2022-05-13T01:36:16
(2 years ago)
Affected >= 2.3.0.Alpha1, < 2.3.12.Final < 2.2.31.Final CVE-2024-1459
maven MAVEN:GHSA-V76W-3PH8-VM66 Undertow Path Traversal vulnerability moderate 2024-02-12T21:30:55
(7 months ago)
Fixed = 2.3.12.Final = 2.2.31.Final CVE-2024-1459
maven MAVEN:GHSA-V76W-3PH8-VM66 Undertow Path Traversal vulnerability moderate 2024-02-12T21:30:55
(7 months ago)
Affected <= 2.0.18.FINAL CVE-2018-14642
maven MAVEN:GHSA-VF6R-MMHC-3XCM Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor in Undertow moderate 2022-05-13T01:12:21
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.19.FINAL CVE-2018-14642
maven MAVEN:GHSA-VF6R-MMHC-3XCM Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor in Undertow moderate 2022-05-13T01:12:21
(2 years ago)
Affected < 2.0.29.Final CVE-2019-14888
maven MAVEN:GHSA-VJXC-FRW4-JMH5 Undertow vulnerable to Uncontrolled Resource Consumption high 2022-05-24T17:07:10
(2 years ago)
Fixed = 2.0.29.Final CVE-2019-14888
maven MAVEN:GHSA-VJXC-FRW4-JMH5 Undertow vulnerable to Uncontrolled Resource Consumption high 2022-05-24T17:07:10
(2 years ago)
Affected <= 2.3.14.Final CVE-2024-5971
maven MAVEN:GHSA-XPP6-8R3J-WW43 Undertow Denial of Service vulnerability high 2024-07-08T21:31:40
(2 months ago)