
Type composer
Namespace laravel
Name framework

Known advisories, vulnerabilities and fixes for framework package.

Critical 1
Medium 4
None 9
Type Version Distribution # CVEs # Advisory ID Title Severity Published
Affected >= 4.0.0, < 4.0.99 >= 4.1.0, < 4.1.26 composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2014-04-15 Hijacked authentication cookies vulnerability 2014-04-15T12:19:00
(10 years ago)
Affected >= 4.0.0, < 4.0.99 >= 4.1.0, < 4.1.29 composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2014-05-20 Risk of mass-assignment vulnerabilities 2014-05-20T10:21:00
(10 years ago)
Affected >= 5.4.0, <= 5.4.36 >= 5.5.0, < 5.5.10 >= 5.1.0, <= 5.1.46 >= 4.1.26, <= 4.1.31 >= 5.3.0, <= 5.3.31 >= 4.2.0, <= 4.2.22 >= 5.0.0, <= 5.0.35 >= 5.2.0, <= 5.2.45 CVE-2017-14775
composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2017-14775 Timing attack vector for remember me token medium 2017-09-21T01:38:58
(7 years ago)
Affected >= 5.3.0, <= 5.3.31 >= 5.4.0, < 5.4.22 CVE-2017-9303
composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2017-9303 Password reset phishing vulnerability medium 2017-05-07T17:49:26
(7 years ago)
Affected >= 4.2.0, <= 4.2.22 >= 5.0.0, <= 5.0.35 >= 5.6.0, < 5.6.15 >= 5.2.0, <= 5.2.45 >= 5.5.0, < 5.5.40 >= 5.4.0, <= 5.4.36 >= 4.0.0, <= 4.0.11 >= 5.1.0, <= 5.1.46 >= 4.1.0, <= 4.1.31 >= 5.3.0, <= 5.3.31 composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2018-03-30-1 Exploit of encryption failure vulnerability 2018-03-30T13:26:38
(6 years ago)
Affected >= 5.3.0, <= 5.3.31 >= 5.1.0, <= 5.1.46 >= 4.1.0, <= 4.1.31 >= 5.4.0, <= 5.4.36 >= 5.5.0, < 5.5.42 >= 4.0.0, <= 4.0.11 >= 5.2.0, <= 5.2.45 >= 5.0.0, <= 5.0.35 >= 4.2.0, <= 4.2.22 >= 5.6.0, < 5.6.30 composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2018-08-08-1 Cookie serialization vulnerability 2018-08-07T18:07:12
(6 years ago)
Affected >= 7.0.0, < 7.1.2 composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2020-03-13-1 XSS vulnerability in blade templating 2020-03-13T13:52:44
(4 years ago)
Affected >= 5.4.0, <= 5.4.99999 >= 7.0.0, < 7.22.4 >= 5.7.0, <= 5.7.99999 >= 4.2.0, <= 4.2.99999 >= 5.5.0, <= 5.5.49 >= 5.6.0, <= 5.6.99999 >= 5.8.0, <= 5.8.99999 >= 5.1.0, <= 5.1.99999 >= 6.0.0, < 6.18.31 >= 5.0.0, <= 5.0.99999 >= 4.1.0, <= 4.1.99999 >= 5.3.0, <= 5.3.99999 >= 5.2.0, <= 5.2.99999 composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2020-07-27-1 RCE vulnerability in "cookie" session driver 2020-07-28T18:31:00
(4 years ago)
Affected >= 7.0.0, < 7.23.2 >= 6.0.0, < 6.18.34 >= 5.5.0, <= 5.5.49 composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2020-08-06-1 Guard bypass in Eloquent models 2020-08-06T14:56:00
(4 years ago)
Affected >= 7.0.0, < 7.30.4 >= 6.0.0, < 6.20.14 >= 8.0.0, < 8.24.0 composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2021-01-21 Unexpected bindings in QueryBuilder 2020-01-21T15:10:00
(4 years ago)
Affected >= 7.0.0, < 7.30.5 >= 6.0.0, < 6.20.26 >= 8.0.0, < 8.40.0 composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2021-04-28 SQL Server LIMIT / OFFSET SQL Injection 2021-04-28T13:18:19
(3 years ago)
Affected >= 8.0.0, < 8.22.1 >= 6.0.0, < 6.20.11 >= 7.0.0, < 7.30.2 CVE-2021-21263
composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2021-21263 Unexpected bindings in QueryBuilder medium 2020-01-13T14:37:00
(4 years ago)
Affected >= 8.0.0, < 8.71.0 CVE-2021-43617
composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2021-43617 Image upload bypass critical 2021-11-18T02:10:57
(2 years ago)
Affected < 6.20.42 >= 7.0.0, < 7.30.6 >= 8.0.0, < 8.75.0 CVE-2021-43808
composer PHP:LARAVEL-FRAMEWORK-2021-43808 Possible cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Blade templating engine medium 2021-12-08T13:31:31
(2 years ago)