CWE-58: Path Equivalence: Windows 8.3 Filename

Abstraction Variant
Structure Simple
Status Incomplete
The product contains a protection mechanism that restricts access to a long filename on a Windows operating system, but it does not properly restrict access to the equivalent short "8.3" filename.

On later Windows operating systems, a file can have a "long name" and a short name that is compatible with older Windows file systems, with up to 8 characters in the filename and 3 characters for the extension. These "8.3" filenames, therefore, act as an alternate name for files with long names, so they are useful pathname equivalence manipulations.

Modes of Introduction

Phase Note

Applicable Platforms

Type Class Name Prevalence
Language Not Language-Specific
Operating_system Windows


View Weakness
# ID View Status # ID Name Abstraction Structure Status
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-41 Improper Resolution of Path Equivalence Base Simple Incomplete