CWE-502: Deserialization of Untrusted Data

ID CWE-502
Abstraction Base
Structure Simple
Status Draft
Number of CVEs 1399
The product deserializes untrusted data without sufficiently verifying that the resulting data will be valid.

It is often convenient to serialize objects for communication or to save them for later use. However, deserialized data or code can often be modified without using the provided accessor functions if it does not use cryptography to protect itself. Furthermore, any cryptography would still be client-side security -- which is a dangerous security assumption.

Data that is untrusted can not be trusted to be well-formed.

When developers place no restrictions on "gadget chains," or series of instances and method invocations that can self-execute during the deserialization process (i.e., before the object is returned to the caller), it is sometimes possible for attackers to leverage them to perform unauthorized actions, like generating a shell.

Modes of Introduction

Phase Note
Architecture and Design OMISSION: This weakness is caused by missing a security tactic during the architecture and design phase.

Applicable Platforms

Type Class Name Prevalence
Language Java
Language Ruby
Language PHP
Language Python
Language JavaScript
Technology ICS/OT


View Weakness
# ID View Status # ID Name Abstraction Structure Status
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-913 Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1003 Weaknesses for Simplified Mapping of Published Vulnerabilities Incomplete CWE-913 Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources Class Simple Incomplete
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-915 Improperly Controlled Modification of Dynamically-Determined Object Attributes Base Simple Incomplete

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

The Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPECâ„¢) effort provides a publicly available catalog of common attack patterns that helps users understand how adversaries exploit weaknesses in applications and other cyber-enabled capabilities.

# ID Name Weaknesses
CAPEC-586 Object Injection CWE-502

CVEs Published

CVSS Severity

CVSS Severity - By Year

CVSS Base Score

# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date