CWE-460: Improper Cleanup on Thrown Exception

ID CWE-460
Abstraction Base
Structure Simple
Status Draft
Number of CVEs 13
The product does not clean up its state or incorrectly cleans up its state when an exception is thrown, leading to unexpected state or control flow.

Often, when functions or loops become complicated, some level of resource cleanup is needed throughout execution. Exceptions can disturb the flow of the code and prevent the necessary cleanup from happening.

Modes of Introduction

Phase Note
Implementation REALIZATION: This weakness is caused during implementation of an architectural security tactic.

Applicable Platforms

Type Class Name Prevalence
Language C
Language C++
Language Java
Language C#


View Weakness
# ID View Status # ID Name Abstraction Structure Status
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-459 Incomplete Cleanup Base Simple Draft
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-755 Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions Class Simple Incomplete

CVEs Published

CVSS Severity

CVSS Severity - By Year

CVSS Base Score

# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories Exploits PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date
# CVE Description CVSS EPSS EPSS Trend (30 days) Affected Products Weaknesses Security Advisories PoC Pubblication Date Modification Date