CWE-1421: Exposure of Sensitive Information in Shared Microarchitectural Structures during Transient Execution

ID CWE-1421
Abstraction Base
Structure Simple
Status Incomplete
A processor event may allow transient operations to access architecturally restricted data (for example, in another address space) in a shared microarchitectural structure (for example, a CPU cache), potentially exposing the data over a covert channel.

Many commodity processors have Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) features that protect software components from one another. These features can include memory segmentation, virtual memory, privilege rings, trusted execution environments, and virtual machines, among others. For example, virtual memory provides each process with its own address space, which prevents processes from accessing each other's private data. Many of these features can be used to form hardware-enforced security boundaries between software components.

Many commodity processors also share microarchitectural resources that cache (temporarily store) data, which may be confidential. These resources may be shared across processor contexts, including across SMT threads, privilege rings, or others.

When transient operations allow access to ISA-protected data in a shared microarchitectural resource, this might violate users' expectations of the ISA feature that is bypassed. For example, if transient operations can access a victim's private data in a shared microarchitectural resource, then the operations' microarchitectural side effects may correspond to the accessed data. If an attacker can trigger these transient operations and observe their side effects through a covert channel [REF-1400], then the attacker may be able to infer the victim's private data. Private data could include sensitive program data, OS/VMM data, page table data (such as memory addresses), system configuration data (see Demonstrative Example 3), or any other data that the attacker does not have the required privileges to access.

Modes of Introduction

Phase Note
Architecture and Design This weakness can be introduced during hardware architecture and design if a data path allows architecturally restricted data to propagate to operations that execute before an older mis-prediction or processor event (such as an exception) is caught.
Implementation This weakness can be introduced during system software implementation if state-sanitizing operations are not invoked when switching from one context to another, according to the hardware vendor's recommendations for mitigating the weakness.
System Configuration This weakness can be introduced if the system has not been configured according to the hardware vendor's recommendations for mitigating the weakness.
Architecture and Design This weakness can be introduced when an access control check (for example, checking page permissions) can proceed in parallel with the access operation (for example, a load) that is being checked. If the processor can allow the access operation to execute before the check completes, this race condition may allow subsequent transient operations to expose sensitive information.

Applicable Platforms

Type Class Name Prevalence
Language Not Language-Specific
Operating_system Not OS-Specific
Architecture Not Architecture-Specific
Technology Not Technology-Specific


View Weakness
# ID View Status # ID Name Abstraction Structure Status
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-1420 Exposure of Sensitive Information during Transient Execution Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1194 Hardware Design Draft CWE-1420 Exposure of Sensitive Information during Transient Execution Base Simple Incomplete