CWE-1279: Cryptographic Operations are run Before Supporting Units are Ready

ID CWE-1279
Abstraction Base
Structure Simple
Status Incomplete
Performing cryptographic operations without ensuring that the supporting inputs are ready to supply valid data may compromise the cryptographic result.

Many cryptographic hardware units depend upon other hardware units to supply information to them to produce a securely encrypted result. For example, a cryptographic unit that depends on an external random-number-generator (RNG) unit for entropy must wait until the RNG unit is producing random numbers. If a cryptographic unit retrieves a private encryption key from a fuse unit, the fuse unit must be up and running before a key may be supplied.

Modes of Introduction

Phase Note
Architecture and Design
Implementation The decision to continue using a cryptographic unit even though the input units to it are not producing valid data will compromise the encrypted result.

Applicable Platforms

Type Class Name Prevalence
Language Verilog
Language VHDL
Language Not Language-Specific
Operating_system Not OS-Specific
Architecture Not Architecture-Specific
Technology Processor Hardware
Technology Not Technology-Specific


View Weakness
# ID View Status # ID Name Abstraction Structure Status
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-691 Insufficient Control Flow Management Pillar Simple Draft
CWE-1000 Research Concepts Draft CWE-665 Improper Initialization Class Simple Draft

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

The Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPECâ„¢) effort provides a publicly available catalog of common attack patterns that helps users understand how adversaries exploit weaknesses in applications and other cyber-enabled capabilities.

# ID Name Weaknesses
CAPEC-97 Cryptanalysis CWE-1279