CWE-1201: Core and Compute Issues

ID CWE-1201
Status Draft
Weaknesses in this category are typically associated with CPUs, Graphics, Vision, AI, FPGA, and microcontrollers.


View Weakness
# ID Name # ID Name Abstraction Structure Status
CWE-1194 Hardware Design CWE-1252 CPU Hardware Not Configured to Support Exclusivity of Write and Execute Operations Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1194 Hardware Design CWE-1281 Sequence of Processor Instructions Leads to Unexpected Behavior Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1194 Hardware Design CWE-1342 Information Exposure through Microarchitectural State after Transient Execution Base Simple Incomplete
CWE-1194 Hardware Design CWE-1420 Exposure of Sensitive Information during Transient Execution Base Simple Incomplete