CAPEC-625: Mobile Device Fault Injection

Status Draft

Fault injection attacks against mobile devices use disruptive signals or events (e.g. electromagnetic pulses, laser pulses, clock glitches, etc.) to cause faulty behavior. When performed in a controlled manner on devices performing cryptographic operations, this faulty behavior can be exploited to derive secret key information. Although this attack usually requires physical control of the mobile device, it is non-destructive, and the device can be used after the attack without any indication that secret keys were compromised.


# ID Name Type
CWE-1247 Improper Protection Against Voltage and Clock Glitches weakness
CWE-1248 Semiconductor Defects in Hardware Logic with Security-Sensitive Implications weakness
CWE-1256 Improper Restriction of Software Interfaces to Hardware Features weakness
CWE-1319 Improper Protection against Electromagnetic Fault Injection (EM-FI) weakness
CWE-1332 Improper Handling of Faults that Lead to Instruction Skips weakness
CWE-1334 Unauthorized Error Injection Can Degrade Hardware Redundancy weakness
CWE-1338 Improper Protections Against Hardware Overheating weakness
CWE-1351 Improper Handling of Hardware Behavior in Exceptionally Cold Environments weakness