CAPEC-121: Exploit Non-Production Interfaces

Typical Severity High
Likelihood Of Attack Low
Status Stable

An adversary exploits a sample, demonstration, test, or debug interface that is unintentionally enabled on a production system, with the goal of gleaning information or leveraging functionality that would otherwise be unavailable.

Non-production interfaces are insecure by default and should not be resident on production systems, since they may reveal sensitive information or functionality that should not be known to end-users. However, such interfaces may be unintentionally left enabled on a production system due to configuration errors, supply chain mismanagement, or other pre-deployment activities.

Ultimately, failure to properly disable non-production interfaces, in a production environment, may expose a great deal of diagnostic information or functionality to an adversary, which can be utilized to further refine their attack. Moreover, many non-production interfaces do not have adequate security controls or may not have undergone rigorous testing since they were not intended for use in production environments. As such, they may contain many flaws and vulnerabilities that could allow an adversary to severely disrupt a target.


# ID Name Type
CWE-489 Active Debug Code weakness
CWE-1209 Failure to Disable Reserved Bits weakness
CWE-1259 Improper Restriction of Security Token Assignment weakness
CWE-1267 Policy Uses Obsolete Encoding weakness
CWE-1270 Generation of Incorrect Security Tokens weakness
CWE-1294 Insecure Security Identifier Mechanism weakness
CWE-1295 Debug Messages Revealing Unnecessary Information weakness
CWE-1296 Incorrect Chaining or Granularity of Debug Components weakness
CWE-1302 Missing Source Identifier in Entity Transactions on a System-On-Chip (SOC) weakness
CWE-1313 Hardware Allows Activation of Test or Debug Logic at Runtime weakness